costa rica best chocolate

The Costa Rica Best Chocolate is a family-owned company that started with a small plantation of cacao trees in 1983. Since then, it has grown into a beautiful business.

So what makes them stand out from any other chocolate tasting tour?

First of the environment is very important to them. During the tour, they will explain the impact of global warming and how they reduce their carbon footprint. Once a year, they let all locals come by the farm and enjoy their tasting tour for free. This way, they can educate each other on the importance of maintaining the natural balance of the environment and supporting each other. You can really feel this in the Sarapiqui community.

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Second, they only collaborate with local farmers. As a growing business producing and selling chocolate, they soon ran out of cacao fruits. To meet the demand, they made the conscious decision of only collaborating with small local farmers. This way, they support each other and know that the cacao is of great (organic) quality.

Last but not least, during the tour, they explain with great knowledge the step-by-step process of how to go from fruit to chocolate. Keeping it fun, simple, and delicious, you will leave there with a new experience, and we promise you your sweet tooth will be satisfied for days to come!


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